2019, Gasteig, Munich.
Presenting an old Icelandic tale. Inspired by the work Seal Maiden by Ólöf Nordal with music by Thurídur Jónsdóttir.
Trapped on land, struggling with new body parts, forced to wear clothes. A seal.
Performed by Thea Atladóttir.

2018, Iwanson/Gasteig/August Everding, Munich.
GALA, a four letter word that reminds us of something elegant, high class, and formal. Yet, it is so similar to the Icelandic word galin, which means crazy and the Italian word gallo, rooster. These last two words were used as an inspiration to create the movements and atmosphere of GALA. The piece can represent what is happening inside the head of people attending a formal gala. Women dressed uncomfortably, perhaps itching in places where they should not scratch, hurt by their high heels, and bothered by their stiff hairstyles.
The four dancers, dressed in underwear and high heels, do everything you should not do at a gala. They try to maintain their face while scratching, cough, yawn, scream, and smell their own bodies. The piece aims to create somewhat an uncomfortable feeling for the audience, which is often expressed with laughter.
Performed by Alina Groder, Eleisse Crouch, Alaine Lambertson and Marta Mestres.